Flash fiction – here goes

Flash fiction yay!

So I haven’t really even read the post, but the gist of it was 5 minute flash fiction and the subject was Risk. To be fair I didn’t read any guidelines etc, the idea just appealed to me and so I have below, Here Goes. It’s not long, as I set a timer for 5 minutes. I’ll paste it completely but will still post it as a page under the Flash Fiction tab.

5 minute flash fiction – Risk

Here Goes

Scott Hastings is totally the coolest boy in the school.  Aimee Prescott is totally the stupidest girl in the whole school I mean, Scott Hastings asks you to hang with him after school and she says she has to study, Mr Cummings is teaching her to play chess.?

That is SO uncool.

Scott was so cool today. He didn’t ask Aimee directly, he got spotty Finn McMaster to do it. But still, chess? Seriously?

Ivy and I just don’t get it. Ivy said if she was Aimee she would have said ‘Screw you’ to Mr Cummings, and made out with Scott for like half an hour. I think Ivy is full of baloney cos she can’t do anything for half an hour on account of her ADHD.

But I told Ivy I could totally ask Scott out on a proper date. And then she dared me.

Now I have to ask him.

Oh man.

I don’t think Scott has ever spoken to me. We sit two seats apart in Mr Hennessey’s English but I think the only time he ever looked at me was that time I had to read my poetry about the butterfly echo in class.

Now I have to ask him out, properly. Oh man.

Ivy went and told everyone. She told Finn McMaster and annoying Emma from the choir, and now everyone knows.

What if he says no? What if he doesn’t know who I am?

What if he laughs?

He’s by himself unlocking his bike now. I better ask him, everyone’s waiting, and watching.

Here goes…

10 thoughts on “Flash fiction – here goes”

  1. I think my favorite thing about the post was the fact that the main character is this total BRAT you really don’t want to root for at first, and then you find out that she’s (assuming here, as it’s kinda the norm) NOT the cool kid, and that the other kids blabbed, and suddenly…you’re kinda behind her now that you know the odds are a crapshoot. Nicely done!


    1. Thanks! I didn’t expect such a fast response – but you are one of my regulars – so thanks! Don’t know where the teenage voice came from, but I figured there’s no greater risk than putting yourself out there as a teenager. And then the 5 minute fiction thing fit because of the short teenage attention spans, cos let’s face it, all of them would have forgotten the entire drama about 5 mins later!
      But I really appreciate the positive comments – thanks 🙂


      1. I think I’ll be keeping an eye out on Fridays from now on. I like to exercise the writing muscle every so often and it’s nice to do something different from my WIP, but I always feel like I’m cheating on it and my time really should be spent with the WIP. However it will never notice 5 stolen minutes!


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